Why the Georgia Senate race is *still* incredibly important for Democrats"

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Why the Georgia Senate race is *still* incredibly important for Democrats"

Democrats will have to defend 23 Senate seats in 2024, compared to 10 for Republicans. Three of those seats are in states Donald Trump won in 2016 and 2020. Montana is one of them. The incumbent Sen. Jon Tester is not likely to run again. He won with about 49% twice and 50% in 2018. Rep. Matt Rosendale, who lost to Testers by 3 points in the 2018 election, is mentioned as a possible candidate.

The Georgia Senate race is still important for Democrats. Sen. Sherrod Brown has won with 53% in 2018 and 51% of the vote in 2012. J.D. Vance's win in Ohio will embolden Republicans who have long eyed Brown for defeat.

In 2020, President Trump will be the top of the ticket. Sen. Joe Manchin is a Democrat in a state that Trump carried by 39 points in 2020. Republicans are already lining up for the chance to take on Manchin. Kyrsten Sinema, Kyrstin Sinega and Jacky Rosen are also vulnerable. Democrats need to gain every seat they can from the 2022 election cycle to keep the Senate. The two best pickup opportunities for Democrats are in Florida and Texas.  After the shellacking that Democrats took in. Florida last Tuesday, Rick Scott has to be feeling pretty confident.