Wollongong Worlds: Wacky TT Phase In The Books

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Wollongong Worlds: Wacky TT Phase In The Books

The World Championships in Australia are at the halfway point. The team from Samoa did the Mixed Relay on regular road bikes. It's been a dramatic week for cycling.

The Mixed Relay took place today at the UCI World Championships. The Netherlands won the event. France and Denmark tied with Australia. Bauke Mollema broke his chain and had to grab a replacement bike. He was unable to continue the race. Switzerland stole the show. Italy dropped five seconds. They were going to win gold. But they had problems with the bike and lost the gold medal. It was a bad day for them. In the end, they lost out to the Netherlands. This is the last event of the championships. There are six events. A lot of time trialling took part.

Tobias Foss won the rainbow jersey in the men's ITT at the Wollongong World Championships. Foss was 15th and 8th in junior men’s ITTs in 2014 and ‘15, then 17th at U23 level in Bergen in 2017, 6th, 12th in 2018 and 19, and won two ITt wins and one road race win last year. The roads of Wolongongs are wider than the typical European route, so the route favored guys who could blast through wide corners at high speed. Magnus Sheffield crashed out of the race.

Wærenskjold won a race for Team Uno-X. Jens Verbrugghe's bike was disqualified because of a technicality. The rule is not rescinded until 2023. Mollema was targeted by a magpie. Remco Evenepoel knocked over a gas pump handle and spilled fuel. He was killed by the seagulls. Hitchcock fans warned about the dangers of birds. They are the real winners in Wollongong. It's been a bad week for Hitchcock. He's afraid of the birds, too. His car was attacked by seags.

Zoe Bäckstedt won another gold medal at the cycling world championships. Søren Wærenskjold won the ITT at U23 ITt. Ellen Van Dijk and Grace Brown were in a cycling race. The winner was Ellen van Dijk-Brown. The colour van Dyke Brown is a shade of brown popularized by Anthony van dyck. It is also the name of a color. A sprinter for Team Uno-X won in the U24 IT. He attributed his win to cornering skills developed by his brother Leo Hayter. There was a race in which he was beaten by Alec Segaert.

Hitchcock fans have been warning people about birds for decades.