Angels Rumors: Writer Predicts Shohei Ohtani Signs Interesting Deal With Los Angeles Dodgers

Sports Illustrated

One writer's bold prediction has Angels star Shohei Ohtani signing with the Dodgers next offseason, but the bold part is when you look at his predicted contract terms.

It's the third week in January. Spring Training is less than a month away, and most of the desirable free agents have signed contracts. The hot stove has been turned off, and it's cooling off so rapidly you don't have to stress every time your toddler wanders into the kitchen.

What else is left for the offseason? Predictions, of course! Over at Bleacher Report, Kerry Miller has a list of 10 bold predictions for 2023, and of course, he saved Shohei Ohtani and the Angels for last.

Shohei Ohtani Signs Massive Deal with Los Angeles Dodgers

"But whether they trade for him in-season (and immediately extend him) or wait until November/December to make it happen, Ohtani will be a Dodger in 2024 and he will have the highest salary we've ever seen.

It won't be one of those wild decade-plus contracts that we saw in this year's free agency cycle, because pitchers simply don't get decade-long deals. However, it will be a six-year deal in the $270-$300 million ($45-$50 million AAV) range."

Ohtani's free agency is going to be fascinating, as there has never been a player like him on the open market (because there's never been a player like him). The Dodgers are an easy, obvious guess to sign him, because they print money and seem to be playing their cards this offseason with an eye on next offseason.

It seems like if you were going for a "bold" prediction, you might go with someone other than the most obvious team. But the contract terms are bold, for sure — while people are predicting a $500 million deal for Shohei, Miller goes just over half that amount. The AAV on this prediction is record-setting, and Ohtani could hit the market again at age 35, which isn't the prime age for free agency but if he's still close to the player he is now, he could get another payday at that age.

Is it likely? Probably not. But that's what makes it a bold prediction, right?