College Football Odds Picks: The Gamble-Tron, Bowl Edition Part II
College Football Odds Picks: The Gamble-Tron, Bowl Edition Part II

Welcome back! We hope y’all had a Merry Christmas, and that you got everything you asked for. Here at Team ‘Tron, we’re still waiting on presents, in the form of winning bowl game gambling tickets. I’m sure Santa will deliver them all, in the form of winners, like he always does, right? Right??!!


In case you’re wondering (you aren’t, but I’ll tell you anyway), the cover photo is another call back to our European adventures. This time, we featured the cathedral square in Vilnius, Lithuania. It’s another magnificent place to visit, especially during the Christmas season.

Back here in the land of overconsumption and holiday sports that never take a break, we’ve decided to outsource the burden of picking these games once again, so let’s turn it over to the kids and the dog. God knows they’ll do better than we can, anyway. First, a quick look at how things have gone so far.

Results after Saturday:

  • Jackson: 2-0
  • Carson: 1-1
  • Makenna: 1-1
  • Buda the Dog: 1-1
  • Tyson: 0-1-1

Las Vegas Bowl

Utah vs. Northwestern (-6.5)

Only Carson was on the Cats, as the other three young ones picked Utah. As for Buda:

Kinda knew Buda would go anti-feline. His loss!

Holiday Bowl

Louisville vs. USC (+7.5)

Before Buda picked this game, he may or may not have gotten ahold of our USC betting slip. That dog is obsessed with destroying paper for some reason. Well, unless there’s a treat sitting in front of it.

Alamo Bowl

Oklahoma vs. Arizona (-3)

We let Buda out of sequestration for his next series of picks, and he surprised us with this one!

Sun Bowl

Notre Dame vs. Oregon State (+6.5)

So we’ve got three on the Irish, and one lone Beav. As for Buda, he doesn’t seem interested in this one, but he finally got around to making a pick.

Fiesta Bowl

Liberty vs. Oregon (-17.5)

As for Buda’s pick, we thought we’d feature something that isn’t associated with that corrupt university. He saw right through this one, anyway.

Rose Bowl

We hadn’t planned to pick this at first, but the kids wanted to make it part of the ledger so we winged it, but apparently Jackson had other things to do after making his pick.

Yours truly didn’t print out any logos at work for this game, so Buda is abstaining in protest.

Sugar Bowl

Texas vs. Washington (+4)

Ok, here we are, the final pick of the bowl season.

Cousin Ty used some, uh, puzzling logic there. Matter of fact, I still don’t really know what his pick was.

Buda made his final pick as well, and it resulted in an end to the free treats.

So yeah, Buda now lives on a farm in the country.

And that’ll do it for another year of making impossible bowl picks. We hope all three of you enjoyed reading as much as we enjoyed writing these columns.