Controversial F1 champion makes bleak Lewis Hamilton prediction
Controversial F1 champion makes bleak Lewis Hamilton prediction

Formula 1 icon and triple world champion Sir Jackie Stewart has cast skepticism on the likelihood of Lewis Hamilton securing another world championship title. 

In an interview with German magazine Sport Bild, Stewart pointed to various factors, including Hamilton’s hunger for victory and the competitive landscape, that might hinder his path to further championship triumphs.

Stewart, aged 84, acknowledged that Hamilton’s age and his record-tying feat of seven world titles could potentially impact his motivation. 

He remarked, “It also depends on Mercedes. 

“It’s not impossible, but I still don’t think he’ll make it.” 

Addressing the rumours of Hamilton’s potential move to Ferrari, Stewart expressed doubt, stating, “And I don’t think, despite the rumours about Ferrari – that he will change teams again.”

While Stewart holds Hamilton in high regard, he emphasised that the recent decade saw Hamilton competing for Mercedes, a team that enjoyed a significant lack of competition. 

This situation, according to Stewart, has contributed to the challenges Hamilton currently faces. 

“Lewis is one of the best to ever drive in Formula 1,” Stewart conceded, “but the truth is that in the last decade he competed for a team that basically had no competition. 

“That’s why he has serious problems now – and because the car isn’t that strong anymore.”

Turning his attention to the rising star of the sport, Max Verstappen, Stewart applauded the Dutch driver’s consistent performance. 

Stewart believed that Verstappen’s performance curve might be stabilising, stating, “I don’t see much room for improvement.” 

He highlighted Verstappen’s exceptional ability to extract the maximum potential from his car under various conditions, irrespective of weather or track challenges.

Responding to the notion that Verstappen’s dominance has made Formula 1 dull, Stewart offered a contrary perspective. 

“I don’t find it boring at all,” he countered. 

He acknowledged that while the world championship might have been decided, the fierce competition among drivers and teams further down the grid continues to captivate the audience’s attention.

Stewart drew a comparison between Verstappen’s era and his own racing days in the 70s, noting the significant increase in the number of races in the modern era.

 He mentioned, “There are a lot more races now.” 

He recalled that during his championship-winning year in 1969, the calendar featured only eleven grands prix. 

With the current schedule featuring 22 races, Stewart explained that this format allows for the occasional setback without entirely extinguishing a driver’s title hopes.