Country's best: Southland Boys' First XV national champion and Moascar Cup holder

Country's best: Southland Boys' First XV national champion and Moascar Cup holder

In the final Boys High’ earned a hard fought three point victory over Westlake Boy’s High School in Palmerston North.

Meanwhile, Westlake, holder of the Moascar Cup, had qualified for the final in a high scoring encounter with Tauranga Boys’ College, 43-40. The Moascar Cup is the oldest and most prestigious nationwide trophy in First XV rugby, and operates in a manner similar to the Ranfurly Shield.

In the final Boys’ High were up against it at halftime, trailing 19-10, but gutsed it out as they had on Friday to come home with a 32-29 win.

As well as being Boys High’s first-ever national title, it was also the first time it had won the Moascar Cup in the trophy’s 103-year history.

Coach Jason Dermody said the team was battling against the breeze in the first half, but pulling off a try just before the break helped to set the tone for the second half.

“We were written off, but we always had belief.

“Southland’s always got an underdog tag when they play sport, so we use that as fuel, but in our environment we know how good we are, we know how tough our kids are.

“Coming from the bottom of the South Island and playing all the big schools, we always believed that we were one of the best schools in New Zealand, and now we’ve proved it.”

As Southland made their way to Wellington ahead of the trip home Dermody said the reality of the win was only just dawning on them.

“They’re over the moon, I don’t think it’s really sunk in. I’d say the Invercargill Airport will be absolutely chocka.”