Robbie Dolan is using his new-found stardom from The Voice to kick start his music career, alongside his riding
Robbie Dolan is using his new-found stardom from The Voice to kick start his music career, alongside his riding

Jockey turned The Voice sensation Robbie Dolan has his plate full booking in music gigs as well as rides and the popular Irishman says he is determined to become a professional singer.

Dolan has his heart set on releasing his own music by the end of the year and says he has upcoming gigs, with the potential to be singing at Eagle Farm after the Stradbroke Handicap on June 11.

“A couple of people have approached me about gigs, which I am happy to do and obviously if I want to make it as a professional, I’m going to have to charge people for the gigs,” he said.

“I never thought I would be (earning money out of singing), but it is looking like it could become my profession one day.

“I am trying to release some music as well, hopefully towards the back-end of the year.

“I don’t want to rush it out but, I want it to be perfect and not just make it for the sake of making it and throwing it out there.

“I am really looking forward to putting some music out there and having a crack, it is the same way I got into the racing industry, having a crack.”

Dolan made a two-hour trip to Brisbane on Saturday, with his plane arriving to the news the races had been postponed to Wednesday.

It is Gin Martini ($11) in the Group 2 The Roses (2000m) which is attracting Dolan north, with the meeting now to be run at Eagle Farm on Saturday.

“I landed at 10am and then left at 12 – I had a pint of beer and a plate of chips, that was about it,” he said of last Saturday’s trip north.

“I am there for Gin Martini really and I think she is over the odds in the race (The Roses).

“She is very consistent, she’s fit, loves the wet and loves the trip. I know she doesn’t win that often but she puts in each time so that’s all you can ask.

“I think once she gets out to the Oaks trip up there, she will be peaking and I think she can run a big race in it.”