Sports betting is on the ballot in California: Propositions 26 and 27

Summarized by: Live Sports Direct

DraftKings and FanDuel spent millions of dollars to expand their business in states where sports betting was on the ballot. They entered California with a clear strategy: divide and outspend. The state's proposition to legalize sports gambling is up for vote on Tuesday.

The Supreme Court ruled that individual states can legalize sports betting. In California, the state's most powerful tribes collected signatures for a proposition that would allow sports bets in person at tribal casinos and at privately owned horse tracks. The alliance with the horse racing industry struck some in tribal gaming as a mistake. By the beginning of this year, 29 states, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico had legalized some form of sports gambling. DraftKings operated in 15 of them. The proposition would benefit the upstart giants of the industry and more venerable gaming conglomerates.