Sydney racing ‘must throw the kitchen sink' at Zac Purton
Sydney racing ‘must throw the kitchen sink' at Zac Purton

Zac Purton is a chance to relocate back to Australia and potentially ride in Sydney.

Every Thursday, News Corp's editorial director of racing and wagering Matt Williams and senior racing writer Ben Dorries chat all things horse racing.

Matty (left) and Benny (right) thrive on talking garbage about racing.

MW: Benny boy, the autumn carnival is done and dusted for another year and what a great spectacle it was. I thought this week we could look back on some of the carnival's greatest moments (apart from our new column …) and what we think should change and look forward to. You kick us off.

BD: Australian racing needs a Zac Attack. The mere presence of riding gun Zac Purton. Let alone the fact he polished off three autumn Group 1s and added significant extra snap and crackle to the Sydney carnival! Zac is a fabulous performer on and off the track and wouldn't it be great to see him going head to head with J-Mac every week. Zac is weighing up his future in Honkers and officials in Sydney must throw the kitchen sink at him to get him here.

MW: That would be something and wagering would go through the roof. A highlight for me was the emergence of our new crop of top flight racehorses and the changing of the guard. Anamoe won't race here again and Nature Strip is a maybe. Giga Kick has proven himself to be a bona fide superstar and so has I Wish I Win. The world is their oyster. Throw your girl, Amelia's Jewel, into the mix and racing is in great shape with these types of headline horses over the next two to three years. The Everest will be a cracker.

BD: I love the concept of the All-Star Mile but it needs a rejig. It has plenty of horses who are purely speed bumps. The top end of the 2023 edition stacked up really well with Mr Brightside landing the Doncaster and All-Star Mile runner-up Cascadian nailing the Australian Cup. Admittedly, My Oberon (beaten out of sight in the All-Star Mile) then performed above expectations to finish second in the Doncaster. But there aren't enough headline horses and too many making up the numbers. Racing on the same day in Sydney, Anamoe had plenty more eyeballs on him than anything in the All-Star Mile.

MW: Racing Victoria would be the first to admit it needs some tinkering but it's almost there. You can't dispute the form out of the race and they had a bit of bad luck with some horses going by the wayside. The thing I don't like is changing the venue. It will have a far better identity as a race if it's aligned to one particular racecourse. Speaking of new races, how good was The Quokka!

Ben and JD Hayes with Zac Purton after Mr Brightside won back-to-back Doncasters.

BD: When you're walking in the footsteps of your legendary father and grandfather, there's every chance you could be on a hiding to nothing. But JD and Ben Hayes are standing on their own two feet and have carved out a fabulous start to their training partnership. They scored their second consecutive Doncaster and triumphed in the All-Star Mile. They also claimed the Blue Diamond with Little Brose in a race which has been synonymous with the Hayes family; David winning six and Colin three. Lindsay Park is on an upward spiral thanks to the new generation.

MW: Yep. Just like those horses I mentioned earlier, the Hayes boys have emerged as a force in Australian racing. It's taken them a while but their systems and superior training facilities are starting to pay dividends.

BD: The big-bang autumn Group 1s are fabulous but there's too many of the lesser Group 1s. Should the William Reid Stakes be a Group 1? What about the Australian Cup, which is a shadow of its former self? The Surround Stakes? The best Group 1s should be up on a pedestal and be celebrated and promoted. But there are some other Group 1s which are becoming Group 1 in name but not by nature.

MW: I think most of the Group 1s should remain as is but alot are being diluted due to program clashes. For example, the Australian Guineas and Randwick Guineas on the same day was ludicrous. If you put the best horses together from both races you could have had two classic three-year-old Group 1 races two weeks apart but, instead, both were mediocre in terms of overall quality.

BD: William Haggas is the best thing to come out of Pommyland since … well, maybe ever! He might come and pinch our prize money but the softly spoken Brit is a class act. His horses come here and win for fun and the trainer presented himself for every media outlet who wanted a chat. The European middle-distance horses and stayers are simply a different gravy to the Aussies.

MW: There is a serious lack of high quality middle distance weight-for-age performers in Australia. The Queen Elizabeth is the Cox Plate of the autumn. With Anamoe out of the picture, the first four Australian-trained horses over the line were Mo'unga, Hezashocka, Numerian and Zeyrek. Throw in Cascadian (great horse but a rising nine-year-old) winning the Australian Cup and the lack of depth is a concern. A couple of tips on Saturday before we go: Chinny Boom is a serious racehorse and will win the last at Doomben while Quasimoto is a great each-way bet in the first at Hawkesbury. No Filter, in Race 2 at Hawkesbury, can run a huge race at big odds.