Tributes to Nuneaton News man John Jevons

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Tributes to Nuneaton News man John Jevons

For more than three decades he dedicated his life to putting other people in the headlines but now one of the founding fathers of a Nuneaton newspaper is the focus of his final tribute.

John Jevons, known to many simply as 'JJ', was responsible for telling thousands of other people's stories but, following his tragic death, his very own story is now poignantly being told.

JJ was one of the former 'Trib employees who took the brave decision to club together their redundancy money to set-up the Heartland Evening News (HEN) now known as the Nuneaton News.

Defying all of the odds, the first edition of the HEN hit the stands on March 16 1992 and now, 26 years later, it continues to serve the community the 64-year-old was so proud to represent.

The father-of-two spent 24 years at the paper as sub editor, photographer and latterly as the web and Facebook page master.

In fact the Nuneaton News' hugely popular page on Facebook was his 'baby', he first started the page filling it with nostalgia photographs and fun competitions.

Now more than 22,000 people regularly check out the page he was so proud to start to see what news is happening in their neighbourhood - a fitting legacy to the man who made it his mission to make sure he was the first with the news.

With his trademark cheeky smile, laugh and glint in his eye, JJ often went above and beyond to get the news; from chasing Green Goddesses during the Fire Brigade strike to offering to go out on jobs no one else would want or dare to.

'JJ was always the first to leap from his desk'

Tony Parratt, another founder of the Heartland Evening News, was keen to pay tribute to his long-standing colleague, saying: "JJ and I have known each other for over thirty years and for much of that time literally sat next to each other as sub editors on a daily newspaper.

"In many ways we were total opposites, but brought our own peculiar gifts and talents to the table, particularly when we helped create the Heartland Evening News, later to become the Nuneaton News.

"In order to establish the paper, the staff formed an almost siege like mentality, which incredibly helped us survive as an independent company for almost two decades, in a very changing and competitive industry.

"JJ was always the first to leap from his desk, grab a camera and help our two staff photographers whenever needed, or be on his hands and knees fixing some computer that was playing up.

"And indeed, his picture of HM Queen when she visited Higham Lane School in the mid 1990s, was one that won national praise and was apparently one of her majesty’s favourites.

"In any intense working environment there were bound to be fallouts and altercations and to many we must have seemed like the proverbial warring middle aged couple. But deep down we had the healthiest respect and regard for each other.

"And as I often said, if there was anyone I would want by my side in times of trouble, JJ was the first one I would turn to. Rest in peace my old friend."

Tenacious and driven, JJ often took it upon himself to teach himself new skills from photography to computer systems: "He wanted to be a one-man band, he didn't want to rely on anyone," said Sharon, one of his daughters.

But he was so much more than ‘JJ from the paper’, he was the former chairman at the Stockingford Pavilion football club, a governor at Middlemarch School and a regular at the Hare and Hounds as well as the White Lion in the 80s and 90s.

He was also a well-known and much-loved face at Oakridge Golf Club. The club lowered its flag after he passed away and fittingly the club, where he loved to play golf, will host his wake after his funeral.

He was also a former member of the Atherstone Choral Society and it was through the group that he went on his first ever trip abroad, aged 40, when they sang in Paris at the Sacre-Coeur.

Singing was one of his many passions but news has always been in his blood.

After being born in Coventry, the middle of three children, JJ left school at 16 and took on a five-year apprenticeship at Lapworth Type Setters in Bulkington Lane, Shilton.

His family decided to leave Coventry and move to Calverton, a little village in Nottinghamshire. Keen to continue his apprenticeship, he moved in with friends of the family, Elsie and Arthur Cotton in Nuneaton .

It was through them that his association with the Nuneaton Co-op Club was first born and where he met the love of his life - Pauline.

“I used to go down there for the Saturday night dance and met him there, I was only 15 at the time and he was 19,” Pauline said.

“He had a girlfriend at the time and I remember I kept trying to find out when they would be finishing!”

Romance eventually blossomed between the pair and, after he finished his apprenticeship, during the sizzling hot summer of 1976, he moved back to his parents in Calverton.

“He couldn’t get a job because of some embargo with the union, I remember he spent the whole summer enjoying himself and the hot weather," Pauline said.

He continued to travel to Nuneaton to see Pauline and she would make the journey to Nottingham to see him and, when his parents decided they would be moving back to Coventry, the couple decided to settle in Nuneaton. They lived with Pauline’s parents in Featherstone Close for a while before getting their first home in Norman Avenue.

They tied the knot in 1976 at Nuneaton Register Office before returning to the place where they met for their reception – the Co-op club in Nuneaton .

The couple then went on to move to Ashdown Drive, where they have lived ever since and had both of their daughters Sharon and Janice.

It was when JJ got a job at the former Nuneaton Tribune that his life would change forever. A round of redundancies led to a number of them using their redundancy money to start what was then the Heartland Evening News.

“I remember he was a bit reluctant at the start but Pete (Pete Young) convinced him to do it,” Pauline said.

The HEN started its days in Whitacre Road and it became the country’s smallest daily newspaper. It then went on to become the Nuneaton News, continuing as a daily newspaper until 2016, when it became a weekly.

He was offered redundancy but, not ready to retire, John became IT Technician at St Thomas More, a position he held until he passed away. The school is to hold a special mass for Mr Jevons, who became popular not only with staff but also pupils alike.

'Something was not right'

On August 1, he suffered what would be the first of two strokes.

“He was just being weird, I could tell something wasn't right,” said his wife Pauline.

She phoned an ambulance, much to his disgust, and as stubborn as ever he told them he did not need help and said he would book an appointment at the doctors.

But an hour later, they had to call 999 again as he fell.

He was rushed to the University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire and they were able to give him the miracle clot-busting drug as they had caught the stroke early enough.

“Five minutes later he looked normal, he called himself the ‘lucky man’," said Sharon.

He stayed overnight and then physically walked out of the hospital himself the next day.

But JJ wasn’t quite himself, but was determined to celebrate his 41st wedding anniversary on August 6 and then, three days later, Pauline's 60th birthday.

"We decided to keep it low key, just family, and we went to Turpins for a meal, he wasn’t really eating at that point but he was determined that we went out,” Sharon said.

Surrounded by all of his beloved family, it sadly turned out that the meal would be the last time they would ever all go out together.

“The last thing he ever ate was the birthday cake I had made and he had two pints as he fancied them, after not drinking for 10 years." said Janice.

That evening he took ill and Pauline nursed him through the night, but, as some of the family were due to go to Spain, his daughter and grandchildren visited the couple on the Friday morning (August 10) to say 'goodbye' - not realising the heartache that would soon follow.

'Lynchpin of the family'

He was taken straight to the UHCW and it soon became clear that the lynchpin of the family had suffered greatly as a result of the stroke.

Pauline and her daughters were given the devastating news that the stroke had destroyed 50 per cent of his brain.

They made daily vigils to his beside, played his favourite music and singing his favourite songs around his bed.

On Saturday (September 1) JJ finally fell asleep for the last time, surrounded by his wife and daughters.

Still coming to terms with their grief, JJ's beloved wife and daughters have decided that they want family flowers only at his funeral and that any donations should go to ward 41, which provided him with such care in the last few weeks of his life.

“We all thought it was the right thing to do, after the first stroke, he saw how much the ward helped people, we know how important new equipment is to them," Pauline added.

Through their heartache, JJ's family are grateful for the time they shared with him: "It was never a dull moment when dad was about," Janice said.

"I will miss just chatting to him, we always spoke about whatever was happening."

Underneath his infamous stubbornness and sometimes hot-headed temper lay a man who was fiercely proud and devoted to his family, especially his four grandchildren, Ben, Adam, Edie and Tilly.

He adored them and they adored him: "I will just miss everything about him," concluded Pauline.

"He was everything to his family and his family was everything to him."

Funeral details

His family are keen for all friends and all former colleagues to join them at his funeral, which will be held on Wednesday, September 19, 11am at All Saints church, Chilvers Coton followed by a reception at Oakridge Golf Club.

Anyone who would like to make a donation in JJ's name can do so on the online page

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