Black Ferns face questions from young Taranaki fans

Black Ferns face questions from young Taranaki fans

“If it was a couple of years ago we would have had hardly any hands go up,” she said, referring to the volume of arms in the air at New Plymouth’s St Joseph’s Catholic School when asked if they had watched the final between the Black Ferns and England.

Cocksedge, along with Black Ferns team-mate Amy Rule, were at the school with the World Cup and winning medals in hand as the students passed them around with obvious delight.

And it seemed every one of the students had a question for their new-found idols.

“Where did you start off in rugby?”

“How did it feel to win the World Cup?”

“Have you ever had a serious injury?”

“Who is your favourite team to play?”

“How long to you train for?”

“How much pressure did you feel in the final?”

“Did you cry after the World Cup?”

In short, Cocksedge started at Okato; it felt great to win the World Cup; she’s only had minor injuries; she likes to play Canada; she trained full-time; the pressure was intense, but they knew they were the underdogs, which made it a bit easier; and there were plenty of tears of joy after they won.

Wednesday’s school visit was the first part of the day for some of the Black Ferns, who also attended a public meet and greet at Yarrow Stadium, part of a nationwide tour which moves on to Palmerston North on Thursday.

From there, it’s on to Christchurch for events on Saturday and Monday, then Wellington for the team’s main public reception at Parliament next Tuesday, before finishing in Auckland next Sunday after passing through Rūātoki, Whakatāne, Ōmāio and Gisborne.